Based on the total symptomatic records of patients who suffer the infective-pathological process due to an increased viral load of COVID-19, and recognizing the universal principle of homeopathy that equal cures for equal (similia similibus curantur / S. Hahnemann), which ensures that only symptoms have to be matched, regardless of the pathogen or disease that creates them.

With the use of Quinine Tea® (with a dose of just 3 g of C. succirubra < 2mm mesh per liter daily, or its equivalent to 73 ppm per day, or 73 mg per Liter) - the real possibility of generating a STRONG homeopathic stimulus that triggers the memory of the cross-adaptive immune system (M.C.A.I.S.) capable of releasing T lymphocytes on a large scale ( T CELLS), and thereby significantly shielding the organism so that its own pathology (symptoms and signs) from a possible infective process, do not allow an increase in the viral load leading to a severe symptomatic and possibly lethal circumstances to an organism defense system that has not received -at cytoplasmic level, the minimum dose of the active principles ( i.e.: quinoline alkaloids – QUINIDINE,CINCHONINE, CINCHONIDINE, QUININE) that trigger this enhancing mechanism (M.C.A.I.S.) and stabilize your level of response to the threat of EXOGENOUS pathogens –whether they are totally new or twinned (same family of viruses) with pathological affections previously identified by the cross-adaptive immune system of each organism -as a whole.


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